Career Paths


The Stigma of Leaving

When I last wrote, I had been offered a position as a teacher, and jumped at the chance.  It has been the most fulfilling job I have ever had.  I have the chance every day to make a lasting impact on my students. As I began to tell friends and family of my new career choice, I heard the same ph...


BioMaker: Seeing Design, Seeing Usability

“Val, I could build one of these. A better one.”Val’s colleague expertly placed the next mouse on the horizontal spindle of the Rotarod and pressed a button to start the run. The spindle rotated slowly at first, and then faster, and the mouse log-rolled to keep its balance on top of the rod. E...


The “One Paragraph” method for cohesive writing

One of the hardest parts of writing a compelling document is cohesiveness or flow.  When people sit down to write a manuscript or grant, they have a pretty good idea in their head about all of the pieces of information they need to provide to the reader so that he will understand the project.


Finding Happiness in my Chosen Career Path

On my first blog for Bio Careers®, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself, my career path up to this point, and what I would like to share with you in future posts.  My career path has been anything but straight, with frequent detours to both learn about and experience new roles, f...


How do you know if you are a CEO

At the recent “How do you know if you are a CEO” Google Plus webinar on January 7th as part of The Capital Network and Founders Workbench series, a question was raised regarding whether a technical founder is a good candidate for the CEO role. Specifically, the audience member asked about benefi...


Regulatory affairs: A promising career option for researchers in biomedical science

Many people have heard of “regulatory affairs,” but do not know what exactly that means. In my understanding, regulatory affairs is a field where you write, review, edit and submit all kinds of documents required in the process of drug development and clinical trials. The ultimate purpose is to ...


Lessons in Entrepreneurship: Never stop learning

In my last post, I told you to buy the experience you need by hiring experts. In this post, I’m going to tell you, even if you have the experts, you still need to know the basics. What does this mean? As scientists, we are not trained in business. We don’t think about the daily operations of ...


Changing your Name

Today, I want to discuss something that I think half the population (at least) will never have considered.  The other half will probably think about it at some point in their lives.  For some, it is an easy decision, while for others (and that includes myself), it is problematic.  I a...


Careers in Science Writing

I was several years into graduate school when I discovered that I could pursue a career in “Science Writing.” I had always enjoyed writing, and wrote a lot both as an undergraduate and during my PhD. Once I realized there was a way to combine my interests in both science and writing, I knew that...


Resources for Finding a Career

Sometimes the science career track can feel like a track you are stuck on. If you are starting to feel like your career options are limited to being faculty or failure, or that you just want to give up and go back to school to learn a trade, you might not be aware of some of the really interesting c...